Gemtos Theofanis


Position: Emeritus Professor (Head of Laboratory of Farm Mechanization till 31-8-2014)

Nationality: Greek, Born in Larissa, 1947


  • Diploma in Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki.
  • PhD in Agricultural Engineering, Department of Agriculture, University of Reaging, U.K.



Forein languages:English, French.

Professional experiance:

  • 1970-1975 Farm manager
  • 1975-1979 Research for PhD
  • 1979-1993 Professor, Technological Education Institution of Larissa
  • 1994- till today Department of Agriculture, Crop Production and Rural Environment of the University of Thessaly
  • Member of the Geotechnical Chambers of Greece, of the Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, of the European Society of Agricultural Engineers, of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers.


Relevent Research projects

  • Managementoffarmmachineryanddatawithapplication of ICT in precision agriculture funded by the Ministry of Education
  • Modelsofspecial and temporal variability in agriculture. Applications in cotton and apples. FundedbytheMinistryofEducation
  • ApplicationofICTinagricultureinordertomanagetemporalandspecialvariabilitythroughvariableratetechnology Funded by General Secretary of Research and Technology, of the Ministry of Development.
  • Future Farm fundedbytheCommissionofEU(7thPF)
  • Precision agriculture application inj Olive Orchard. Funded by the MOSANTO Hellas SA
  • A feasibility study of variable rate irrigation in the Black Sea Region, Funded by the BSC.


Relevent Scientific Publications

1.      Markinos A.T., T.A. Gemtos, D. Pateras, L. Toulios, G. Zerva, M. Papaeconomou (2005) The influence of Cotton Variety in the Calibration Factor of a Cotton Yield Monitor  Operational Research Volume 5, Number  January - April 2005

2.      Blackmore S., H.W. Griepentrog, S. Fountas, T.A. Gemtos, 2007. Specifications for an autonomous crop mechanization system. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR e-journal. Manuscript PM 06 032. Vol. IX. September, 2007.

3.      Γέμτος, Θ., ΦουντάςΣ., Μαρκινός Α., Αγγελοπούλου, Α Χατζηνίκος Α., 2006. Εφαρμογές και προοπτική γεωργίας ακριβείας στην Ελλάδα (ApplicationandperspectivesofPrecisionAgricultureinGreece). Καινοτόμες εφαρμογές της πληροφορικής στον αγροτικό τομέα και στο περιβάλλον (InnovativeapplicationsofInformaticsinagricultureandruralenvironment). Τόμος επιστημονικών εργασιών της ΕΠΕΓΕ-Παράρτημα Β. Ελλάδας, σελ 41-51. 

4.      Φουντάς Σπ., Μπουλουλής Κ., Παγάνης Π. Καβαλάρης Χρ., Γέμτος Θ.Α., Νάνος Γ., Παρασκευόπουλος Α. Γαλάνης Μ. (2009)FountasSp., C. Bululis, P. Paganis, Chr. Cavalaris, T.A. Gemtos, G. Nanos, A. ParaskvopoulosandM. Galanis(2009) Σύγκριση Διαχείρισης Ζιζανιοχλωρίδας στη Ελιά με Κατεργασία του Εδάφους, Μηχανική Καταστροφή και Χημική Ζιζανικτονία. (Comparison of the management of weeds in Olove Orchards by soil tillage, weed cutting and chemical applications ΓεωργίακαιΚτηνοτροφία(Agriculture and Animal Production)  2009 (1) p34-37

5.      Papageorgiou E. Ath. Markinos, T.A. Gemtos (2009) Application of fuzzy cognitive maps for cotton yield management in precision farming Expert Systems with Applications Volume 36, Issue 10, December 2009, Pages 12399-12413

6.      Aggelopoulou K.D., D. Wulfsohn, S. Fountas1, T.A. Gemtos, G.D. Nanos, S.  Blackmore (2009)Spatial variation in yield and quality in a small apple orchard

7.      Precision Agriculture in press

8.      Aggelopoulou K. D, D. Pateras, S. Fountas, T. A. Gemtosand G. D. Nanos Soil spatial variability and site-specific fertilization maps in an apple orchard DOI: 10.1007/s11119-010-9161-x

9.      S. Fountas, K. Aggelopoulou, C. Bouloulis, G. Nanos, D. Wulfsohn, T. Gemtos, A. Paraskevopoulos, M. Galanis, Site-specific management in olive tree plantation. Journal of Precision Agriculturein press.

10.  Κ. Aggelopoulou, D. Bochtis, Α. Koutsostathis, S. Fountas, T. Gemtos, G. Nanos.  Flower spatial variability in an apple orchard. Journal of Precision Agriculture in press.