Automation in irrigation, in agricultural constructions and in the mechanization of agriculture + Undergraduate + Agricultural engineering-Management natural resources + Postgraduate

Precision Agriculture

Objectives (aimed learning outcome)?

The objective is to teach the students the technologies used in the application of a system of precision agricu;ture in the crops.


Automation in farm machinery

Objectives (aimed learning outcome)?

The objective is:

- To identify the sensors and actuators used in farm machinery

- To calibrate sensors and actuators

- To program robotic systems

- To advise farmers with the application of automation in farm machinery


Farm Mechanisation

Objectives (aimed learning outcome)?

The objective is to offer to the student the knowledge to enable him/her to:

  • Recognise farm machinery, their parts and their function
  • To use them for the appropriate tasks in the field
  • Tomakethenecessaryadjustmentsandevaluatetheworkofthemachineforsuccessiveharvesting

To supervise the maintenance and the repair of the machines.


Farm Machinery Management

Objectives (aimed learning outcome)?

The objective is to offer to the student the knowledge to enable him/her to:

  • Estimate the efficiency of farm machinery during field work
  • Estimatethecostofusingfarmmachinery
  • To select the appropriate machinery and size for the farm


Crop Harvesting Machinery

Objectives (aimed learning outcome)?

The objective is to offer to the student the knowledge to enable him/her to:

  • Recognise the machinery, their parts and their function
  • Tomakethenecessaryadjustmentsandevaluatetheworkofthemachineforsuccessiveharvesting
  • To estimate the losses during mechanical harvesting
  • To supervise the maintenance and the repair of the machines.


Specific aspetcts of farm mechanisation

Objectives (aimed learning outcome)?

The aim of the lesson is to give to the student the required knowledge:

  • Pumps and electrical motors
  • To apply the principles of precision agriculture

To use the ICT in agriculture  and more specifically to farm machinery and apply Variable Rate Technology