

Tsirikoglou T.I , T. A. Gemtos (1992)  Study of the Thermal Energy Production by Cotton Stalk Burning in a Bunch-Shape. Sun at Work in Europe vol 7 No 1.

T.A. Gemtos (1994) Farm mechanisation for agriculture friendly to the environment: Alternative soil tillage for soil protection and reduced energy requirments. Journal of Agriculturalists of Larissa, No 10, p44 (in Greek)

T.A.Gemtos, Th.Lellis (1997) Effects of soil compaction, water and organic matter contents on emergence and initial growth of cotton and sugar beet. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research  (66),121-134

Gemtos T.A., St. Galanopoulou, Chr Kavalaris (1997) Wheat establishmentafter cotton with minimal tillage.  European Agronomy Journal (8) 137-147

Mygdakos E., T.A. Gemtos (1997) Collective Organization and Mechanization of Greek Agriculture: Co-operatives and Groups. S Case Study of Cotton Producer Groups. BulgarianJournalofAgriculturalScienceVol2 No5

Gemtos T.A., Th. Tsiricoglou (1998) Harvesting of Cotton Residue for Energy Production. Biomass and Bioenergy Vol 16 p 51-59

Gemtos T.A. (1999) Sugar beet root properties in relation to harvesting           damage. CIGR Electronic Journal Vol 1 March

T.A.Gemtos, N. Chouliaras, St. Marakis (1999) Vinasse Rate, Time of Application and Compaction Effect on Soil Properties and Durum Wheat Crop. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Resaerch 73, 283-296

Gemtos T.A., C. Goulas, Th Lellis (2000) Sugar Beet genotype respoponse to soil compaction. EuropeanAgronomyJournal(12) 201-209

C.K. Cavalaris, T.A. Gemtos (2000) Evaluation of Four Conservation Tillage Methods In The Sugar Beet Crop CIGR e-Journal

Christos Likas, Vasiliki Exarchou, Konstantinos Gourgoulianis, Panagiotis Giaglaras, Theophanis Gemtos, Konstantinos Kittas, Paschalis-Adam Molyvdas (2001) Noxious Gases In Greenhouses  Ann Agric Environ Med 2001, 8, 99-101

E. Mygdakos ;  T.A. Gemtos; K. Adamidis (2002 ) Reliability of Cotton Pickersand  its  Effect on Harvesting  Cost       Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research

T.A. Gemtos, A. Alexandrou, D. pateras (2002). Soil tillage, Irrigation and fertilization effect in cotton crop. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 18 (3) 269-466

S. Blackmore, R. Godwin, S. Fountas, 2003. The analysis of spatial and temporal trends in yield map data over six years. Biosystems Engineering 84 (4), 455-466.

S.M. Pedersen, S. Fountas, B.S. Blackmore, M. Gylling, J.L. Pedersen, 2003. Adoption and perspectives of precision farming in Denmark. Acta Agricultura Scandinavica; Section B. Soil and Plants, 54 (1), 2-6.

S. Blackmore, S. Fountas, L. Tang, H. Have, 2004. Systems requirements for small autonomous agricultural vehicles. Journal of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR). Manuscript PM 04 001. Vol. VI. July 2004.

S. Fountas, D. Ess, C.G. Sorensen, S. Hawkins, H.H. Pedersen, S. Blackmore, J. Lowenberg-Deboer, 2004. Farmer experience with Precision Agriculture in Denmark and US Eastern Corn Belt. Precision Agriculture 5, 1–21, 2004.

S. M. Pedersen, S. Fountas, H. Have and B. S. Blackmore, 2005. Agricultural robots – system analysis and economic feasibility. Precision Agriculture 7(4) 295-308.

S. Vougioukas, S. Fountas, S. Blackmore, Lie Tang, 2005. Combining Reactive and Deterministic Behaviours for Mobile Agricultural Robots. Special Issue on Information Systems and Innovative Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment. Operational Research – an International Journal, 5(1).

Markinos A.T., T.A. Gemtos, D. Pateras, L. Toulios, G. Zerva, M. Papaeconomou (2005) The influence of Cotton Variety in the Calibration Factor of a Cotton Yield Monitor  Operational Research Volume 5, Number  January - April 2005

Stathakos T.D. T.A. Gemtos, C.A. Tsatsarelis, S. Galanopoulou (2006) Ecaluation of three cultivation practices for early cotton establishment and improving crop profitability Soil and Tillage Research 87 p135-145 

Terzoudi, J. Mitsios, D. Pateras, and T. Gemtos.(2006) Interrill Soil Erosion as Affected by Tillage Methods under Cotton in Greece. CIGR e-journal Manuscript LW 05 006. Vol. VIII. February, 2006.

S. Vougioukas, S. Blackmore, J. Nielsen and S. Fountas, 2006. A Two-Stage Route Planning System for Autonomous Agricultural Vehicles. Precision Agriculture 7(5) 361-377.

S. Fountas, D. Wulfsohn, S. Blackmore, H. L. Jacobsen, S.M., Pedersen, 2006. A model of decision making and information flows for information-intensive agriculture. Agricultural Systems 87, 192-210.

Terzudi Chr. B., T. Gemtos, N. G. Danalatos (2007) Assessment Of Water Runoff Under Different Tillage Cultivations Soil and Tillage Research 92(1-2 198-212

Blackmore S., H.W. Griepentrog, S. Fountas, T.A. Gemtos, 2007. Specifications for an autonomous crop mechanization system. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR e-journal. Manuscript PM 06 032. Vol. IX. September, 2007.

S. Fountas, B. S. Blackmore, S. Vougioukas, L. Tang, C. G. Sørensen and R. Jørgensen, 2007. “Decomposition of Agricultural Tasks into Robotic Behaviours”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript PM 07 006. Vol. IX. October, 2007.

S. Blackmore, H.W. Griepentrog, S. Fountas, T.A. Gemtos, 2007. Specifications for an autonomous crop mechanization system. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript PM 06 032. Vol. IX. September, 2007. 

S. Fountas, M. Kyhn, H. Lipczak Jakobsen, S. Blackmore, H.W., 2009. Griepentrog. Systems analysis and information management of a university research farm. Precision Agriculture, 10(3), 247-261.

Blackmore, B.S., Fountas, S., Gemtos, T.A. and Griepentrog, H.W., 2009. A specification for an autonomous crop production mechanization system. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 824: 201-216

Papageorgiou E. Ath. Markinos, T.A. Gemtos (2009) Application of fuzzy cognitive maps for cotton yield management in precision farming Expert Systems with Applications Volume 36, Issue 10, December 2009, Pages 12399-12413

Aggelopoulou K.D., D. Wulfsohn, S. Fountas1, T.A. Gemtos, G.D. Nanos, S.  Blackmore (2009). Spatial variation in yield and quality in a small apple orchard

Precision Agriculture in press

Aggelopoulou K. D, D. Pateras, S. Fountas, T. A. Gemtosand G. D. Nanos Soil spatial variability and site-specific fertilization maps in an apple orchard DOI: 10.1007/s11119-010-9161-x

Aggelopoulou, D. Wulfsohn, S. Fountas, G. Nanos, T. Gemtos, S. Blackmore, 2010. Spatial Variability of yield and quality in an apple orchard. Journal of Precision Agriculture 11, 538-556.

Sørensen, S. Fountas, E. Nash,  L. Pesonen, D. Bochtis, S. Pedersen, B. Basso, S. Blackmore, 2010. Conceptual model of a future farm management information system.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 72(1), 37-47.

C.G. Sorensen, L. Pesonen, S. Fountas, P. Suomi, D. Bochtis, P. Bildsøe and S.M. Pedersen, 2010. A user-centric approach for information modelling in arable farming. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 73(1), 44-55.

D.D. Bochtis, C.G. Sørensen, O. Green, T. Bartzanas, and S. Fountas, 2010. Feasibility of a modelling suite for the optimised biomass harvest scheduling. Biosystems Engineering, 107, 283-293.

S. Fountas, K. Aggelopoulou, C. Bouloulis, G. Nanos, D. Wulfsohn, T. Gemtos, A. Paraskevopoulos, M. Galanis, 2011. Site-specific management in olive tree plantation. Journal of Precision Agriculture, 12(2), Pages 179-195

T. Kutter, S. Tiemann, R. Siebert, S. Fountas, 2011. The role of communication and cooperation in the adoption of Precision Farming in Europe. Journal of Precision Agriculture, 12 (1), 2-17.

Aggelopoulou, D. Pateras, S. Fountas, G. Nanos, T. Gemtos, 2011. Yield and soil data analysis on orchards. Journal of Precision Agriculture, 12(1), 118-129.

Κ. Aggelopoulou, D. Bochtis, Α. Koutsostathis, S. Fountas, T. Gemtos, G. Nanos, 2011.  Yield prediction in apple orchards based on image processing. Journal of Precision Agriculture, 12 (3), 448-456.

Turker U., T Erdem, A. Tagarakis, S. Fountas, G. Mitev, B. Akdemir and T.A. Gemtos, 2011. A Feasibility Study of Variable Rate Irrigation in Black Sea Area: Water and Energy Saving from the Application. Journal of Information Technology in Agriculture, 4(1), 1-8.

Lawson, L. G., Pedersen, S.M., Sorensen, C.G., Pesonen, L., Fountas, S., Werner, A., Oudshoorn, F. W., Herold, L., Chatzinikos, T., Kirketerp, I. M., Blackmore, S., 2011. A four nation survey of farm information management and advanced farming systems: A descriptive analysis of survey responses. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 77(1), 7-20.

Nash, E., Wiebensohn, J., Nikkila, R., Vatsanidou, A., Fountas, S., Bill, R., 2011. Towards automated compliance checking based on a formal representation of agricultural production  standards. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. In Press.